Wire Fraud Lawyer Seattle
Q & A With Scott Engelhard
Interviewer: What is Wire Fraud?
Scott Engelhard: Wire fraud is a generic Federal fraud statute. Wire fraud involves any type of fraud that involves electronic communications by means of “interstate or foreign commerce.” The term “interstate or foreign commerce” is so broadly defined it applies to virtually every instance of electronic communication. And the term “fraud” is also broadly defined to include any scheme that involves false statements, false promises and/or misrepresentations of fact in order to obtain money, credit, security, asset or other property. However, the prosecutor is required to prove that the statements, promises, or misrepresentations knowingly made and were “material” to the transaction. In many instances, Prosecutors can and do charge “wire fraud” in addition to bank fraud, mortgage fraud, securities fraud or other specific types of fraud. I have handled dozens of wire fraud cases in my career. I am aggressive in handling these cases and fight with determination to get the best result possible for my client.